The mystique of induction & labour
How is induction done? Do I need one? You have heard this term many times, but what does it mean? Induction of labour (IOL) is a medical...
The mystique of induction & labour
5 Confinement truths or myths
New dad and new role
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Beware of kidney stones in pregnancy
Be cool about your birth plan
What to pack for my delivery?
Episiotomy - the "cut" demystify
Cesarean section delivery
I want VBAC (Vaginal Birth after C- section)
What to expect at Vacuum or Forceps Delivery
Explaining vacuum & forceps delivery
I want a painless labour
Cord-cutting is a sacred act
What to expect when water breaks
Challenges of pregnancy - from a mom's perspective
TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) in Confinement - Lochiorrhea (恶露不止)
Resuming Sex & Birth Control
The confusing stages of labour
Expect symptoms in pregnancy